Thursday, February 14, 2008

Preventing Click Fraud

There are several ways to reduce your risk of click fraud and keep conversion quality rates high. The following best practices and recommendations from ClickForensics can partially be helped with the use of web analytics software but may require extensive time. An expert third-party firm with the tools and analysis may be required to cost effectively reduce or eliminate click fraud.

1. Prevent low quality sites from displaying your ads. Some ad providers allow for exclusion lists you can populate with low performing sites.

2. Monitor who is clicking on your ads and the quality of conversion against your daily spend. Some ad providers allow for an IP exclusion list.

3. Only display your ads to the geo-location you are targeting.

4. Monitor the time of day you are receiving poor quality traffic. Use ad scheduling to improve conversions and reduce fraud.

5. Find the keywords that are attracting the fraud or low quality traffic to your site. Some of the highest cost keywords generate the highest levels of click fraud because they make the most money for fraudsters.

6. Identify competitors and block domains and IP addresses and establish special landing pages.

7. Engage with an independent click auditing expert. They have the tools, experience and time to rapidly analyze your search program and will provide data and actionable solutions to address immediately with the search providers.

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